The Citizen Security Strengthening Programme (CSSP) commenced in January 2019 and is a collaborative initiative between the Ministry of Public Security and the Small Business Bureau. The programme aims to reduce crime and violence in 20 communities across Regions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10, through training and support of two hundred (200) at–risk youth. The Small Business Bureau (SBB) facilitates the entrepreneurship training, mentorship, coaching and disbursement of grants to beneficiary youth. The training is designed to provide participants with basic practical management skills and knowledge, necessary to successfully start or enhance a small business in a chosen sector. Training extends for a period of twelve weeks and covers: Financial Fitness, Marketing, Customer Service, Money Management, Record Keeping, and Business Plan Writing. Additionally, trainees benefit from coaching and mentorship in developing a business plan, prior to receiving grants of US$1,500. each to establish or expand their small business.
Representatives and graduates of the Entrepreneurship Skills Training Programme