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Frequently Asked Questions

A small business is any business that satisfies all three of the following:

    • Employs not more than 25 persons
    • Has gross annual revenue of not more than G$ 60 Million
    • Has total business assets of not more than G$ 20 Mil

Yes. NIS would issue you a non-liability letter stating that you are above the age of 60 and therefore have no obligations to NIS.

Yes. The cash flow shows an average of the profits the business is projected to make for the next 6 months or year if awarded the grant/ loan.

No, the grant is one time only.

Yes. However, you will have to submit a new business plan for the business you would like to change to and update your business registration.

No, any organization that has some government control is considered a government organization.

The requirements to become a registered client are:

  • Identification Card/ Valid Passport
  • NIS Card
  • TIN certificate
  • Updated Business Registration
  • Food Handler’s Certificate/ Any other Operational License (if applicable)
  • GRA Compliance
  • NIS Compliance