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Mohamed’s Handicraft Dolls


A background in craft and a little inspiration from a friend would provide the launchpad for this father of one to catapult his business of styling ethnically-diverse dolls by hand for sale.

Mohamed Kamar, of West Coast Berbice, worked in a craft shop where he learnt to transform turtle shells, banana leaves, and wood shavings, among other materials, into decorative souvenir pieces reflective of the Guyanese culture. 

Mohamed’s first independently-produced stock of goods was ready for the market in 2008 – just in time to be displayed at the locally hosted CARIFESTA – and they were a hit. Shortly after, a generous tip from a friend on her return from St. Lucia would make dolls Mohamed’s signature pieces, putting him on the map.

His newfound passion resonated with notable businesses such as the Church View Hotel in New Amsterdam. Its proprietress, Ms. Jenny Bhookmohan, was so impressed with Mohamed’s work that she not only became a loyal customer but gave business ideas that were instrumental to the improvement of his trade. And improve it did.

Soon he would be noticed by Guyana Stores, and, as his clientele and product demand grew, Mohamed needed a way to increase his supply to keep the customers satisfied. Through the Guyana Arts and Crafts Producers’ group, Mohamed became aware of the Small Business Bureau (SBB) and their ability to help him. His application was successful, and he was granted a machine that completely turned his business around.

“Things done by hand take more time. I was now able to move faster and produce more with the machine,” Mohamed explained, reflecting on his decision to approach SBB. “I can now finish products on the spot at Expos and restock faster. Currently, I work from home, supplying businesses and doing my part to promote tourism in this country.” 

With a steady stream of income now flowing, Mohamed has branched off into the business of event décor.

Mohamed does not regret his decision to pair with the SBB, which he opines, plays a critical role in boosting small businesses and their profitability by facilitating sales, exposure, and networking at events such as Market days and Christmas Village.

Pictures of Mr. Kahmar’s Work




Services Explored by Mr. Kahmar:

  • Grant
  • Sponsorship to attend expositions locally (Christmas Village, Berbice Expo) and internationally (Agrofest in Barbados)